Sunday, September 26, 2010


“Twilight what?” it was my first question when the movie was released. I’m into reading novels but this one never came into my sight. I did not even know it’s a phenomenon that conquered the hearts of most of the teens nowadays until the movie was shown.

So out of curiosity, I watched it, with my date of course. I find the movie nice, though I find the atmosphere quite gloomy. Well, it’s a story about a vampire who fell in love with a mortal blah blah blah.. (I won’t tell the whole movie, its not reason why I am writing here plus, I might get carried away and get sued for piracy hehe )

I like the part where Edward (the vampire guy) showed Bella (the mortal girl) why his family do not go out in public when the weather is fine. I was amazed when Edward went under a sunlight (I was thinking something bloody might happen, you know, the usual Vampire-burned-by-the-sun thing), and glowed as if his skin was filled by diamonds.

There, at that precise moment, I felt time stopped and a realization came into my mind(no, I did not fall on love with Edward).

Vampires are dreaded (whether they really exist or not), they are known to cause or do something bad. But in this story, though he was one, under the light of the sun, he glowed with full of splendor and beauty.

Aren’t we the same? We all have negative things in us, the reason why some people get annoyed at us. We have these attitudes or addictions or even vices which affect or make people angry (especially our parents). We get discouraged to renew ourselves because we are afraid that we will fail. Or worse, we fall into a wrong belief that we are hopeless, that there is no solution to our concerns, that we are of no use in this world.

But here is the twist, we are so much loved by the Lord, that the moment He made us in the wombs of our mothers, he implanted diamonds in us which also grew in numbers as we grow old, as our cells multiply. It means that no matter who or what we are (maybe vampires in that case). There is always something good in us. There is always hope for us to change, that whenever we fall down, we can always stand up and continue our journey.

You see! There is much reason to rejoice and be happy.

You are loved. Let the good in you shine.

You don't know it but , you might be touching a person’s life.


God Bless.


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