Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pimp Your Profile!!

If you don’t know what friendster or facebook or multiply is, you better be careful.


People might ask you, “What planet from the galaxy far way are you from? (I’m a Star wars fan), even Darth Vader has a friendster account!

I’m exaggerating.

But really, it’s the “in” thing nowadays.

You go to all these internet café’s and you will see people checking their sites if their friends or “crushes” or boyfriends sent them some glittering comments or quotes.

Most of all you will see different “profiles” with different designs and different features.They beautify their sites for it to be attractive. And if it’s attractive, some strangers will look at it and boom! A new friend comes along.That’s what I call virtual socialization.

I enjoy it; in fact I have couple of accounts too. That’s why I wrote this blog.

So, what’s the lesson for today?

Simple, as the title says, pimp your profile. Make your life beautiful. Be attractive.

If you’re still single and you feel God has taken you for granted because He didn’t give you the man of your dreams, well sister, if you keep on waiting for signs and stuff, you will end up just as that, dreaming. Make your self attractive, dress well and for sure somebody will notice you.

If you’re in a relationship, beautify it too, go on exciting dates, instead on focusing on your intimacy and eventually developing sexual urges, go into sports, or any activities that will lead you away from sexual intimacies.

If you’re in high school, don’t rush up with having relationships. You are still young, instead, develop you talent have as many friends as possible. Do your chores at home with a twist. Don’t waste your time with one person, the world is so vast so explore it.

See, there is more in this life than all the chaos that we experience. More than the corruption of our government, more than the economic crisis that we are having, more than the diseases that are attacking us.

You know why?

Because we are loved, not just by any kind of lover, but by the one who made us. By the one who from the very beginning of this world never stopped believing in us. We are loved by GOD! He is crazy for us and He wants us to enjoy our life that’s why He sent Jesus so that we can live without worries, everything has been paid. All we have to do is beautify it and touch as many lives as possible, yes just like what we do in friendster, we make friends. But always remember, your number one featured friend should be Jesus, not in your account but in your life, for He is the true BFF that we can ever have. He said in John 15, “…I shall not call you servants anymore, for servants do not know what their master is about, but I call you friends since I have known to you everything I learned from the Father.”

Don’t just be a servant, be a friend of God. You will know how it is to love, more.


God Bless.


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