Wednesday, June 15, 2011

Harry Potter And The Deathly Hallows, A Threat?

We have watched him grow from being an 11-year-old kid who was treated like nobody even in his own household. We have seen him fight dangerous enemies which ultimately lead us to this final epic battle and the closing of what believed to be the most successful franchise in the movie world. Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is that last title of the movie, it’s the last part of the film that was made and awed fans and viewers for about a decade.

But why does this movie, the characters and it’s nature being criticized? The church itself is one of the primary critics of Harry Potter. Is it because of the word witchcraft and wizardry? Is it about the dark tone of the movie? Well, we can’t answer that as each of us has his own point of view of these things. However, since this is my blog, let me just share to you my thoughts about such things.

I am an active church man and a devout catholic. At least, that’s what you should remember before you raise an eyebrow to me. True I am obliged to follow the teachings of the church but I still have my own mind to reflect about things. This, I believe is God’s vessel in which He can transmit His message for me to realize and for you the reader to enjoy and know some things too.

Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows is no more than just a movie. That’s it, that’s all there is to it, nothing more, nothing less. Aside from the fact that the characters are fictional, their language and their “spells” doesn’t make sense at all. But what I am struck the most is not how Harry Potter will end the movie, but I am more interested on how Harry survived the attack of the main villain, Lord Voldemort.

I’ll make this straight to the point, it’s about love. The very reason why the story began, the very reason why Harry had to suffer was all because of love. It was love that made him safe all throughout the years he lived his life. This is how I looked at the movie, I don’t see Satanism, witchcraft and all those bad stuff, I see God. I see His doings even to the darkest portion of a man’s life. His love will always reign supreme and it will never be beaten by any other methods of the enemy.

I hope you will look at life the same way too. No matter how bad the situation is, remember that God always puts everything in their rightful place even though we think that it’s not good for us. We only have to open our hearts and minds to His presence. And one more thing, when you watch a movie, always seek for a character that resemble God’s love. It’s what you call the God factor. In the movie Harry Potter and the Deathly Hallows, Dumbledore is my God factor.


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