Monday, September 27, 2010

The Power of Ice Candy…

It’s just amazing to know how our neighborhood becomes so addicted with my mother’s ice candy. It’s a dessert (though some children make it their breakfast or lunch or dinner. Believe me) made of some secret ingredient (milo and sugar) and placed inside plastic wrappers and then allow it to freeze.

One morning I woke up late because, I was tired. In my dream, I was also lying down and suddenly, somebody from the door shouted “bakal!! Bakal!!*” I was so tired so I ignored the little voice. I slept. And after about thirty minutes, I woke up and was surprised because the voice I heard a while ago was not a dream after all; the poor child was standing (still saying “bakal!!”) at the place where the voice in my dream was coming. And after a split second, a stampede occurred; she wasn’t the only one who was standing there. I found out that an army of young selfish little aliens were waiting for me to appear on the door which was a signal for them to attack our house and buy lots of ice candies. Am I exaggerating? Well, if you were in my place at that time, you would. I was deprived of my right to go to the restroom and do my thing, make a coffee and even pray! Because of the event, I forgot everything. And for the next hour I was busy going in and out of the house catering to the young aliens.

After the chaos, when I was finally left alone, I sat and I remembered the child who stood at the door for 30 minutes or maybe more. She did not stop shouting until I woke up and get what she wanted, the desire of her young heart, the refreshing, sweet and delicious ice candy.

And again, I learned an important lesson in life, persistence. When we ask for something, when we need something, when we desire for something, we should pray without stopping or losing hope. Don’t stop praying and asking for what you need. I remember this woman in one of Jesus’ story who wanted justice; she never gave up knocking on the judge’s door until she was given what she needed. I saw this image on the little girl, though I was a bit irritated and annoyed, I appreciated what she thought me (isn’t it funny? The children are teaching the adults nowadays). Never give up when you need something.

So guys, ask for your Ice candy now, and remember, don’t give up.

Enjoy! : )

God Bless.

Sunday, September 26, 2010


“Twilight what?” it was my first question when the movie was released. I’m into reading novels but this one never came into my sight. I did not even know it’s a phenomenon that conquered the hearts of most of the teens nowadays until the movie was shown.

So out of curiosity, I watched it, with my date of course. I find the movie nice, though I find the atmosphere quite gloomy. Well, it’s a story about a vampire who fell in love with a mortal blah blah blah.. (I won’t tell the whole movie, its not reason why I am writing here plus, I might get carried away and get sued for piracy hehe )

I like the part where Edward (the vampire guy) showed Bella (the mortal girl) why his family do not go out in public when the weather is fine. I was amazed when Edward went under a sunlight (I was thinking something bloody might happen, you know, the usual Vampire-burned-by-the-sun thing), and glowed as if his skin was filled by diamonds.

There, at that precise moment, I felt time stopped and a realization came into my mind(no, I did not fall on love with Edward).

Vampires are dreaded (whether they really exist or not), they are known to cause or do something bad. But in this story, though he was one, under the light of the sun, he glowed with full of splendor and beauty.

Aren’t we the same? We all have negative things in us, the reason why some people get annoyed at us. We have these attitudes or addictions or even vices which affect or make people angry (especially our parents). We get discouraged to renew ourselves because we are afraid that we will fail. Or worse, we fall into a wrong belief that we are hopeless, that there is no solution to our concerns, that we are of no use in this world.

But here is the twist, we are so much loved by the Lord, that the moment He made us in the wombs of our mothers, he implanted diamonds in us which also grew in numbers as we grow old, as our cells multiply. It means that no matter who or what we are (maybe vampires in that case). There is always something good in us. There is always hope for us to change, that whenever we fall down, we can always stand up and continue our journey.

You see! There is much reason to rejoice and be happy.

You are loved. Let the good in you shine.

You don't know it but , you might be touching a person’s life.


God Bless.

Wednesday, September 22, 2010

Pimp Your Profile!!

If you don’t know what friendster or facebook or multiply is, you better be careful.


People might ask you, “What planet from the galaxy far way are you from? (I’m a Star wars fan), even Darth Vader has a friendster account!

I’m exaggerating.

But really, it’s the “in” thing nowadays.

You go to all these internet cafĂ©’s and you will see people checking their sites if their friends or “crushes” or boyfriends sent them some glittering comments or quotes.

Most of all you will see different “profiles” with different designs and different features.They beautify their sites for it to be attractive. And if it’s attractive, some strangers will look at it and boom! A new friend comes along.That’s what I call virtual socialization.

I enjoy it; in fact I have couple of accounts too. That’s why I wrote this blog.

So, what’s the lesson for today?

Simple, as the title says, pimp your profile. Make your life beautiful. Be attractive.

If you’re still single and you feel God has taken you for granted because He didn’t give you the man of your dreams, well sister, if you keep on waiting for signs and stuff, you will end up just as that, dreaming. Make your self attractive, dress well and for sure somebody will notice you.

If you’re in a relationship, beautify it too, go on exciting dates, instead on focusing on your intimacy and eventually developing sexual urges, go into sports, or any activities that will lead you away from sexual intimacies.

If you’re in high school, don’t rush up with having relationships. You are still young, instead, develop you talent have as many friends as possible. Do your chores at home with a twist. Don’t waste your time with one person, the world is so vast so explore it.

See, there is more in this life than all the chaos that we experience. More than the corruption of our government, more than the economic crisis that we are having, more than the diseases that are attacking us.

You know why?

Because we are loved, not just by any kind of lover, but by the one who made us. By the one who from the very beginning of this world never stopped believing in us. We are loved by GOD! He is crazy for us and He wants us to enjoy our life that’s why He sent Jesus so that we can live without worries, everything has been paid. All we have to do is beautify it and touch as many lives as possible, yes just like what we do in friendster, we make friends. But always remember, your number one featured friend should be Jesus, not in your account but in your life, for He is the true BFF that we can ever have. He said in John 15, “…I shall not call you servants anymore, for servants do not know what their master is about, but I call you friends since I have known to you everything I learned from the Father.”

Don’t just be a servant, be a friend of God. You will know how it is to love, more.


God Bless.